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Jesús Chap 舞者的运动轨迹摄影作品集

发布时间:2020-02-11 22:36:02 来源:国外网站  更新时间:2024-07-02 02:27:18 浏览次数:198

Jesús Chap 舞者的运动轨迹摄影作品集,Jesús Chapa-Malacara是一位多才多艺的艺术家,既是芭蕾舞演员又是一位专业的摄影师,他把自己的这两种技能合为一处,创作了这组梦幻般的舞步摄影作品。

Artist Jesús Chapa-Malacara is both a former ballet dancer as well as a professional photographer. In his long-term project,Dance Prints, he merges these two passions into a technically stunning series that conveys the elegance and swift movements of dancers set against stark black backgrounds.

In each photograph, Chapa-Malacara captures the many details of a particular dance move within one frame. He uses dramatic lighting to highlight the strong lines and forms, and he relies on long exposures to capture the remnants of motion that streak across the canvas. As a result, the beautiful compositions are alive with gestures and bright colors that pop out towards the viewer

Chapa-Malacara says, "In art my passion lies in storytelling and exploring 'the how,' be it physically, conceptually, or politically. I strive for photography that is intentional and thoughtful, that explores technical aspects...as much as it examines the particularities of its subjects."

