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Malin Bergman 人物错觉摄影作品集

发布时间:2021-02-10 08:09:22 来源:国外网站  更新时间:2024-07-06 15:46:41 浏览次数:217

Malin Bergman 人物错觉摄影作品集,Malin Bergman是一位人像摄影师,他在instagram上发布了一组将人物肖像本末倒置的作品,可以说是创造性的错觉,用女性的头发和衣服作为道具来创作曲扭的场景。

These playful portraits by photographer Malin Bergman are creative optical illusions that will have viewers all mixed up. The Stockholm-based artist plays with perception by using her hair and clothing as props to create distorted scenes where back is front and front is back.

The project began as an experiment with Bergman's camera and a self-timer. She wanted to create a portrait that was more interesting than a simple smile at the camera, so she pulled her hair over her face and thus the series was born. The alternative approach to self-portraiture beautifully documents the young red head in a number of inventive poses.

"I get very inspired by the surrealism in my pictures, but I try to make that influence just slightly noticeable. I hope that my photos affect the viewer in a way that makes him/her stop and view the picture one more time and let their own fantasies decide what the photo really shows," explains Bergman.

