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Ali Jardine 手机剪影式摄影作品集

发布时间:2017-02-16 08:41:31 来源:国外网站  更新时间:2024-07-06 11:48:51 浏览次数:221

随着智能手机的盛行,移动摄影变得更加收到读者的欢迎,通过手机人们可以在任何地方进行摄影拍照并上传到Instagram网站上分享,来自密西西比州的Ali Jardine拿着手里的iPhone为读者带来剪影式的手机摄影。

With the prevailing of smart phones, mobile photography becomes so popular as people could capture pictures anywhere and share them instantly in Instagram, Facebook, Snapchat or Flickr.

Mississippi based adventurer Ali Jardine took her shots and edited them on her iPhone, not in Photoshop. All of her works are dream pictures or silhouettes of her son and daughter, a beautiful adventure of their lives.

