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Julien Knez 巴黎历史交汇点摄影集

发布时间:2017-07-08 05:14:29 来源:国外网站  更新时间:2024-07-04 05:52:25 浏览次数:191

来自于巴黎的摄影师Julien Knez花了两个月的时间把巴黎现在和二战时期的照片融为一体,让人们记住具有里程碑意义的历史时刻,自从1944年巴黎解放以后,巴黎人民保留了很多重大战役中的老照片,Julien Knez从中找出拥有地标性意义的建筑物图片,然后与现代的摄影图片集合在一起。

Artist Julien Knez spent two months touring Paris to figure out how much the famous city has changed since World War II. During August of 1944, the Liberation of Paris was fought, freeing Parisians from Nazi Germany's oppressive control. After collecting vintage photographs of this momentous battle, Knez decided to visit the locations that were captured in the historic images. At each location, the artist tried to imitate the exact angle that was shown in his photos, so he could recreate the snapshot in front of its modern day counterpart. "It was very intense to imagine the fights in the streets I know as a Parisian," stated Knez to The Washington Post.

By taking images that were captured 71 years ago and reproducing them, the Parisian photographer was able to see the complex emotional history behind every location and landmark. Where a battle was once fought, there now stands a bookstore. General Charles de Gaulle and his troops marched before the now serene Arc de Triomphe. In each photograph, Knez gives viewers the opportunity to compare side-by-side versions of the past and the present.

