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Patty Maher 女性情景故事摄影集

发布时间:2014-04-29 17:20:32 来源:国外网站  更新时间:2024-07-02 01:20:18 浏览次数:176

Patty Maher 是美国安大略省的一位意境摄影师,他拍摄的摄影作品在于追求发人深省的女性与自然界的情景故事,主要是通过人像对焦,通常围绕着周边的环境与女性遮掩脸部来达到某种意境的效果-凄美!

Patty Maher is an amazingly talented conceptual photographer based in Caledon, Ontario. Her striking portfolio serves as an exploration into thought-provoking narratives struck between women and the natural world. Focusing primarily on portraiture, her emotional photography typically revolves around faceless models placed in striking environments.

Through this theme, Maher’s photography retains a sense of anonymity, and the rich stories told through her imagery remain open-ended, allowing individual interpretation by her ever-growing audience.

We have been a fan of Patty's for quite a while and love watching her continue to develop upon her distinct and vibrant artistic style. We caught up with her to ask a few questions regarding the leap she has made into the world of photography and the themes that she chooses to focus on within her poignant pieces. Scroll down to read our exclusive interview.

