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Azul Obscura 夜空中飞机起落摄影集

发布时间:2016-05-14 21:08:13 来源:国外网站  更新时间:2024-07-06 12:43:25 浏览次数:201

很多人都坐过飞机,在飞机起落的时候很多人都是在飞机里而没有办法欣赏飞机起落的瞬间,Azul Obscura 站在飞机的跑道上用手里的相机捕捉乘客们没法欣赏到的美景,缤纷多彩的城市和灯光闪烁的飞机组成了美丽的画面。

Azul Obscura captures a view of aircrafts that often goes unseen by ordinary passengers. Standing on the runway, the Osaka-based photographer documents the planes as they approach the airstrip and safely make their landing. Although this is a common routine, Obscura’s visual style—specifically, his choice to shoot footage at night—adds a mesmerizing feel to the entire process.

Obscura’s vantage point also offers a monumental look at commercial airplanes. Their metallic bodies are complemented with colorful, glittering lights from the runway and surrounding landscape. They frame the sleek vessel with stylish star-like motifs and radiating circular waves that appear almost out of this world. It certainly looks much more glamorous than waiting in security lines and reviewing safety information. Instead, Obscura’s photographs remind us of the majesty of flight.

