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来源:网站推荐 收录时间:2019-11-07 21:42:29 更新时间:2024-07-04 04:50:48


AnimeNews图片  AnimeNews是什么网站?动漫行业新闻资讯(www.****.com)是加拿大的一家优秀动漫网站。

Anime News Network 网站是由多为编辑组成的致力于动漫行业新闻报道的站点,该网站由Christopher Macdonald于1998年创办,为喜爱动漫和动漫从业者提供新闻资讯和讨论平台,并运营知名动画杂志Protoculture Addicts。


动漫新闻网(Anime News Network,ANN)除刊发世界动漫界的资讯外,还开设有动漫百科全书和动漫论坛,为读者提供常识以及发布见解的平台。新的动漫信息会在网站及时呈现,动漫新闻网也提供部分视频供读者浏览。

下面是Christopher Macdonald, CEO & Publisher的建站经历:

A former network engineer and administrator by trade, Christopher Macdonald lives in Montreal, Quebec, Canada. His first real exposure to anime (or japanimation as he knew it then) was Bubblegum Crisis which he saw in the summer of 1989. In 2000 he submitted a guest editorial to Anime News Network, and soon became co-editor-in-chief, along with George Phillips. Originally the site was a hobby for both of them, however in 2003 Macdonald left his networking job in order to focus exclusively on ANN and in 2004 Phillips stepped down from his position as co-editor-in-chief.

For several years, Macdonald wrote all of ANN's news and personally edited every article on ANN, however as the site and its staff grew he had to focus on "managing" the site and now leaves most of the editorial work in the capable hands of ANN's editors and contributors. Reflecting his shifting responsibilities, Macdonald stepped down from the editor-in-chief position in late 2010. As publisher, his editorial involvement is mostly limited to planing the editorial "direction" of the website.

Aside from anime, he has many other interests, for which he has little time. Those that he does make some time for include motorsport, traveling, skiing and cycling.

网站说明:AnimeNews(ANIMENEWSNETWORK)于2019-11-07 21:42:29发布收录在加拿大动漫类型中,目前已有270人/次喜欢或浏览。本网页并非“AnimeNews”官网,页面内容是由盘资源网站编录于网络,仅供参考展示之用;【盘资源网站】与“AnimeNews”无任何关系,对于“动漫行业新闻资讯网”网站中信息,请谨慎辨识其真伪。
