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Heather Hansen 身体绘画艺术作品集

发布时间:2020-02-25 15:41:37 来源:国外网站  更新时间:2024-09-28 07:12:47 浏览次数:229

Heather Hansen 身体绘画艺术作品集,Heather Hansen是一位比较特殊的艺术家,擅长于使用肢体例如身体、手、腿、等关节来创作艺术作品。

Heather Hansen uses performance, her body, movement, and charcoal and pastel to create her large-scale drawings. By moving her joints, extending her back, stretching and contracting, Heather creates drawings. Her latest project, 'Emptying Gestures,' "is an experiement in kenitect drawing." She says, "I am searching for ways to download my movement directly onto paper, emptying gestures from one form to another and reating something new in the process.

