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Stephanie Marie 美女变树妖的化妆艺术

发布时间:2017-01-14 19:43:55 来源:国外网站  更新时间:2024-06-29 23:34:16 浏览次数:182

Stephanie Marie 美女变树妖的化妆艺术,Stephanie Marie是一位化妆师,用她超牛的化妆技术把她的朋友化妆成立一个令人毛骨悚然的树妖,从化妆到完成话费了五个小时之久。

When makeup artist Stephanie Hernandez, professionally known as Stephanie Marie, got her friend Lauren Jones to agree to a makeover into a doll, she wasn't completely honest about what type of doll she would be. Jones was clearly not expecting Hernandez to use prosthetics and makeup to morph her into a creepy wooden doll. Luckily, the artist was able to capture the process on her Instagram account, showing just how talented she is and giving Jones reason to praise her work.

Even though Hernandez's friend didn't wind up looking like a pristine porcelain doll, like she probably imagined, the end result is an admirable transformation that reconfigured the young woman's face, rendering her completely unrecognizable. Besides giving this newly created character ominously high cheekbones and evil, arching eyebrows, the gifted makeup artist managed to add a deceptive chin that looks like an actual wooden dummy's movable chin.

Altogether, Hernandez's full facial prosthetic process is said to have taken five hours long—three hours for the application of the special effects and two hours to remove it all.

