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来源:网站推荐 收录时间:2016-05-01 06:12:51 更新时间:2024-09-29 08:54:09


LifeScript图片  LifeScript是什么网站?女性健康生活信息(www.****.com)是美国的一家热门女性网站。






2008年末,该公司发起了LifeScript 2.0——LifeScript 的下一代网站。LifeScript 2.0网站进一步将LifeScript 定位成致力于女性健康的唯一日日更新的门户网站。该网站给用户带来了全新的感受和体验,还为用户提供了健康内容搜索、社区和产生流量的工具等。此外,进入该网站的渠道也扩展了。

与其他关注健康的网站不同的是,LifeScript 是唯一一个专门关注于女性健康并能与其核心观众产生共鸣的网站。LifeScript 网站上的内容都是由著名的医生、营养师和健康专家撰写的,因此内容极具权威性,而且极具特色、简单易懂。该网站上的内容及其丰富,涵盖了影响女性健康的各个话题——从让女性心碎的事到心脏病。

One of the fastest-growing online healthy living publishers, Lifescript is dedicated to operating the leading website for healthy living.

Lifescript was founded in 1999 as a single-product company selling customized vitamin plans. The following year, the company added meal replacement shakes and nutritional soy bars to its product line. At the same time, it forged strategic partnerships to promote and sell products to a broader audience.

In 2005, Lifescript shifted its business model to take advantage of the growth in online advertising and its increasing subscriber base. The company launched a women’s health portal that now attracts 10 million unique visitors and 45 million page views monthly (Google Analytics). More than seven million readers also subscribe to its six daily email newsletters.

In late 2008, the company launched Lifescript 2.0. The next-generation website further positions Lifescript as the only daily portal dedicated to women’s health, with a fresh look and feel, expanded channels, health search, community and traffic-generating tools.

Unlike its online health competitors, Lifescript is the only site focusing exclusively on women’s health in a voice that resonates with its core audience. Written by leading physicians, nutritionists and health experts, Lifescript’s content is unique and approachable, authoritative, and covers a range of topics that affect women’s health — from heart disease to heartbreak.

Lifescript aims to help women achieve longer, fuller and more successful lives while empowering them to be their best at work, home and play. This unique approach has helped the company form a close bond with its audience, primarily women ages 30-50 who are proactively seeking healthy lifestyle information.

The company has 75 employees and is headquartered in Mission Viejo, CA, with additional offices in New York City, Chicago and Beverly Hills, CA.

网站说明:LifeScript(LIFESCRIPT)于2016-05-01 06:12:51发布收录在美国女性类型中,目前已有283人/次喜欢或浏览。本网页并非“LifeScript”官网,页面内容是由盘资源网站编录于网络,仅供参考展示之用;【盘资源网站】与“LifeScript”无任何关系,对于“女性健康生活信息网”网站中信息,请谨慎辨识其真伪。
