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来源:网站推荐 收录时间:2019-02-22 01:37:02 更新时间:2024-07-06 13:24:00


MckinseyonSociety图片  MckinseyonSociety是什么网站?麦肯锡社会发展报告平台(****.com)是美国的一家优质商业网站。



McKinsey on Society的主要目标是创建一个集所有富有吸引力和启发性的报告,文章,多媒体内容为一体的在线平台。McKinsey on Society部门帮助世界上顶级的机构解决周期性的复杂社会挑战。McKinsey on Society从麦肯锡公司的员工中挑选出一批精英骨干,帮助客户越多社会挑战,并做出有意义的,可持续的社会改变。

McKinsey on Society创建的主要目的是从工作和研究的过程中获得经验和见解。社会的召唤项目启动的目的是召集来自世界各地的思想家,为人类社会化提供应对社会最复杂的挑战相关的建议。这些观点和建议丰富多样,舞动人心。他们来自学术界,建立起额组织,采取新的方法学和思考方式帮助人们解决问题。

McKinsey on Society is the online publishing site for the firm, which houses McKinsey’s latest insights on pressing social issues. The site draws together research and resources from across the firm, in order to share our collective insights on five major societal topics: Global Health, Economic Development, Education, Social Innovation and Sustainability.

Voices on Society is a section of the site that aims to convene thinkers from around the world on a single topic at a time, offering their perspectives on the world’s most complex societal challenges. Each volume focuses on a new challenge, bringing an array of rich content to bear, whether the issue is providing education for young people in Africa, healthcare to new mothers in India, or controls on the emission of greenhouse gases in the developed world. The viewpoints are diverse and provocative. They come from all sectors, including academia, government and corporate, as well as from the frontiers of new thinking and new methodologies.

网站说明:MckinseyonSociety(MCKINSEYONSOCIETY)于2019-02-22 01:37:02发布收录在美国商业类型中,目前已有192人/次喜欢或浏览。本网页并非“MckinseyonSociety”官网,页面内容是由盘资源网站编录于网络,仅供参考展示之用;【盘资源网站】与“MckinseyonSociety”无任何关系,对于“麦肯锡社会发展报告平台”网站中信息,请谨慎辨识其真伪。
