该网站由 Matt Kohr创办,他是一名出色的3D设计师,毕业于萨凡纳艺术与设计学院,主修漫画;作者是一个自由职业者,同时也是一个狂热的游戏玩家。
Ctrl+Paint is a free learning resource dedicated to the basics of digital painting. Each bite-sized video covers a different concept, allowing you to learn complex subjects in manageable increments.
This is the Library, where you'll find all of the free Ctrl+Paint videos. If you're a total beginner, try watching the videos in the order they're listed! I've ordered these videos to ease you from traditional techniques into digital ones. If you're looking for a specific topic, or want to build your own curriculum, I invite you to watch them in any order you like! Scroll down to see the whole list, and have fun painting! And if you're looking for the most in-depth material available, make sure to visit the Ctrl+Paint Store.
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