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来源:网站推荐 收录时间:2013-10-18 19:37:51 更新时间:2024-07-06 11:58:04


OnDivvy图片  OnDivvy是什么网站?社会化图片信息推送应用(****.com)是美国的一个专业手机网站。



Divvy 尚只支持 Facebook 和 Instagram。与 Instagram 本身的客户端相比,Divvy 的优点在于能够提供前者缺失的缩放功能。作为社交平台的个性化入口,Divvy 同样拥有喜欢、评论、分享功能。此外,Divvy 还为自己的用户提供了基于地理位置的社交能力,让用户能够在演唱会、聚会等场景同周围其他 Divvy 用户分享图片。此外,Divvy 用户还拥有关注、被关注能力,可见创业团队在抓取成熟社交平台信息的同时还有意为自己的用户打造独属的社交网络。

Divvy is a dynamic photo sharing app that not only allows you to view and save photos from all of your favorite social media outlets, like Facebook and Instagram, but also allows you to share photos with individuals, groups, or those around you in a manner that is completely unique to Divvy. We like to say it is a socially private way of sharing photos.

Divvy is a better way to share, view and save photos. With Divvy, it is no longer necessary to check multiple apps to see photos; you can view, zoom and save your Divvy, Instagram, and Facebook photos all in one place! To top it all off, it's free!

At an event or get together with friends? Snap a picture and use the Around Me feature to instantly share with all of your friends in the vicinity.Have pictures that you want to share but don't want the whole world to see? Use the Individuals feature to privately share photos with select individuals.

网站说明:OnDivvy(ONDIVVY)于2013-10-18 19:37:51发布收录在美国手机类型中,目前已有188人/次喜欢或浏览。本网页并非“OnDivvy”官网,页面内容是由盘资源网站编录于网络,仅供参考展示之用;【盘资源网站】与“OnDivvy”无任何关系,对于“社会化图片信息推送应用”网站中信息,请谨慎辨识其真伪。
