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来源:网站推荐 收录时间:2018-06-29 13:26:08 更新时间:2024-07-04 00:43:53


Trover图片  Trover是什么网站?在线旅游图集分享社区(www.****.com)是美国的一家知名旅游网站。



Trover 不仅允许用户通过 iPhone 应用或网站上传他们带有位置数据的观光照片,而且还鼓励用户用文字的形式将他们在旅途中的点滴记录下来,并分享给其他用户。如今,Trover 已经成为了驴友们组织聚会和发布旅行美图的图集社区。

目前,来自全球逾1500个城市和偏远地区的旅游爱好者已上传了数十万张照片,而这些内容让 Trover 成为了人们寻找真正有价值建议的资源社区。

Join thousands of savvy explorers who love to find and share hidden gems. From London to Bali to Austin to your own hometown, with Trover you'll enjoy fresh things to see and do everyday.

See the world like never before... all through gorgeous photos shared by people who’ve been there.

Take An Instant Adventure

- Immerse yourself in a stream of photo discoveries posted by explorers around the world

- Jump to any location on Earth and browse photos of food, culture and fun activities unique to the area

- Featured & Hot Lists showcase the most popular discoveries and themes

Create Visual Lists

- Build practical lists of things to see or do, from new restaurants and local hikes to inspirations for your next big adventure

- Create fun lists to share your interests and passions—from swimming holes to golf courses to street art

Share Your Own Photo Discoveries

1. Post a photo to instantly share something interesting, and where to find it

2. Add a quick description to give viewers an inside scoop

3. Publish and share with thousands of photographers, travelers and adventurers who are eager to see what you’ve found

网站说明:Trover(TROVER)于2018-06-29 13:26:08发布收录在美国旅游类型中,目前已有188人/次喜欢或浏览。本网页并非“Trover”官网,页面内容是由盘资源网站编录于网络,仅供参考展示之用;【盘资源网站】与“Trover”无任何关系,对于“在线旅游图集分享社区”网站中信息,请谨慎辨识其真伪。
