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来源:网站推荐 收录时间:2021-06-13 08:28:09 更新时间:2024-07-01 23:07:48


PointClouds图片  PointClouds是什么网站?开放式点云资料库平台(****.org)是美国的网络网站。

PointClouds:开放式点云资料库平台是一个基于点云2D/3D和点云处理的开放式源代码开发数据库资料网站,对于开发人员可以下载点云资料库运行于多操作系统,支持window、Mac os。


点云(point cloud)是指透过3D扫瞄仪所取得之资料型式。扫描资料以点的型式记录,每一个点包含有三维座标,有些可能含有色彩资讯(R,G,B)或物体反射面强度。

点云数据除了具有几何位置以外,还有强度(Intensity)信息,强度信息的获取是激光扫描仪接受装置采集到的回波强度,此强度信息与目标的表面材质、粗糙度、入射角方向,以及仪器的发射能量,激光波长有关。 点云也是逆向工程中通过仪器测量外表的点数据集合。在电脑动画领域, 皮克斯的玩具总动员3使用了点云技术

A point cloud is a set of data points in some coordinate system.In a three-dimensional coordinate system, these points are usually defined by X, Y, and Z coordinates, and often are intended to represent the external surface of an object.

Point clouds may be created by 3D scanners. These devices measure in an automatic way a large number of points on the surface of an object, and often output a point cloud as a data file. The point cloud represents the set of points that the device has measured.

As the result of a 3D scanning process point clouds are used for many purposes, including to create 3D CAD models for manufactured parts, metrology/quality inspection, and a multitude of visualization, animation, rendering and mass customization applications.

网站说明:PointClouds(POINTCLOUDS)于2021-06-13 08:28:09发布收录在美国网络类型中,目前已有174人/次喜欢或浏览。本网页并非“PointClouds”官网,页面内容是由盘资源网站编录于网络,仅供参考展示之用;【盘资源网站】与“PointClouds”无任何关系,对于“开放式点云资料库平台”网站中信息,请谨慎辨识其真伪。
